Juan Benedicto and I left Griswoldo's house early on a Sunday morning. Our initial aim was to get as far away from the sweltering heat of Texas. 13 hours later after a few brief stops for petrol, we ended up in the Natchez Trace State Park of Tennessee.
Situated a couple of miles off the highway, the park was completely abandoned and we were able to have our pick of the best camp spots in the forest. I got a fire going while Juan Benedicto began eating every ounce of food we had immediately.
The noise in the forest from the bugs was ridiculous, as we both stuffed earplugs in our ears and drifted off to sleep in our sleeping bags on the ground by the fire. I was awoken only twice in the night- once by a loud screeching owl and again by Juan Benedicto's snoring which sounds awfully bear-like.
The next morning we hightailed it out of the forest to avoid having to pay for the campspot, and pointed the civic towards Asheville, N.C.. Tennessee is a long state. It takes a long time to drive across that guy, kinda similar to Texas. We finally rolled into Asheville and headed straight for the health food store for a late lunch and some interneting.
To be continued...
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