We just got back from our mini- camp out which was just an excuse to cook on a fire and go to bed even earlier than usual. We rode about 20 miles on dirt roads and trails to what we thought would be a secluded, quiet spot on the edge of this pond. Turns out it was a Youth Wilderness Campground... and two boyscout troops were occupying the scenic spots.
By this point it was already getting dark and we were hungry so we hunkered down and set up camp away from the pond and up a steep hill- well away from the two troops which were on opposite sides of the pond. The sound of large groups of young boys horse playing dulled any sense of remoteness we otherwise might have felt in the middle of the forest and lent a sense that we were camping in the midst of a jr. high basketball practice. I had visions of Coach O'Dell with his blond pompadour making the boy scouts do sprints followed by weave drills.

Benedict and I are pretty well versed at the camping drill at this point, but we struggled for 45 minutes to get a fire going with the wet wood and leaves which lay around and our stomachs were audibly upset with the delay. In the end we settled down with our usual "beans and greens" meal of baked beans and collard greens simmered on the fire followed by fresh corn and bread toasted on the fire. A meal fit for the kings we are.
I woke up to Benedict shooting me with acorns rocketed from my slingshot, and we hurriedly and frigidly ate our other standard breakfast of the remaining heel of bread and some apricot jam. Then it was back on the cross bikes and back on the trail to try and warm up on the ride back to town.
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